Chris Bielat - Best Man
Jeff's older brother. The best man. O'DOYLE RULES! The one and only. The Blood Brother. Chris Bielat.
Mary Rose Moynihan - Maid of Honor
There is photographic evidence of Mary Rose and Kate being friends since the age of 6. Their friendship truly blossomed when Mary Rose was sent to the general-population of Milford public schools in 7th grade. Less nuns. More fun. She is the glue that keeps their lifelong friend group together. The Sticky Sister. Mary Rose Moynihan.
Nic Roda - Groomsman
Brother of the bride. Jeff's brother in law to-be. If you dance too hard and your feet hurt, go see him. The Doctor is in folks. Dr. Dominic Roda.
Erin Stephens - Maid of Honor
Kate first noticed Erin back in middle school because she had "cool style." Of course they became fast friends. She is a ride-or-die companion who is always down for a good time and is probably one degree away from Taylor Swift stalker material. All the way from Denver, CO. The Mountain Mama. Erin Stephens.
John Canuto - Groomsman
Jeff's brother in law; husband of Jeff's sister Erica. He recently chopped off his man-bun. People can change. The Pizza Master. John Canuto.
Karyn Roda - Bridesmaid
Kate's sister in-law and another doctor in the family. Come winter, you'll see these two zipping down any New England ski resort at breakneck speed. If your body hurts the day after the wedding; go find Karyn. The Healer. Dr. Karyn Roda.
Brian Buckland - Groomsman
Jeff's oldest and longest friend since childhood. These two met on the barren wasteland known as "the sandbox." They were two and three years old and one tripped over the other one; probably cried, and stayed friends ever since. Maine's Finest Potter. Brian Buckland.
Erica Canuto - Officiant/Bridesmaid
Sister of the groom. Work bestie of the bride. She's pretty much the real reason we're all here. Thanks Erica. Keep her away from the DJ booth though. She might try to fight who we hired for another shot at DJ glory. The one and only, DJ IAMERICA. Erica Canuto.
Craig Lebrun - Groomsman
He'll probably be late, but he'll be there! Craig and Jeff go way way back. Fun fact, the day Craig and Jeff first met, they got in pretty big trouble with the law! They're nice boys now. The Human Swiss Army Knife. Craig Lebrun.
Katlyn Stokarski - Bridesmaid
Kate and Katlyn met while studying abroad in Italy. CIAO! Roommates turned best friends. You can find them on Wednesdays cooking salmon and watching "Survivor". She is another Denver transplant. Narragansett Beer's Biggest Fan. The 'Gansett Gal. Katlyn Stokarski.
Richard Carvill - Groomsman
Roommates and inseparable best friends from day one at UMASS. Partners in crime. Set off for California together to live out those big Hollywood dreams. They spent so much time together that at one point Rich and Jeff could have filed for domestic partnership. There's still time! The Marathon Man. Richie Carvill.
Danielle Hanson - Bridesmaid
Kate and Danielle first met years ago while working together. They became "work besties" but ultimately became real life friends as time went on. The Duchess of Swampscott. Danielle Hanson.
Ryan Guida - Groomsman
Jeff met Ryan at his first job in Los Angeles. Ryan probably called him an idiot or worse, but it probably made Jeff laugh and that's all it took. These two can go back and forth all day long trying to make the other one chuckle. It's a blessing and a curse. The Pride of New Jersey (gross). Ryan Guida.
Ana Gutiérrez - Bridesmaid
Kate's sister from another mister. Ana and Kate first became friends when Ana was came to Milford High School as an exchange student from Spain. Over twenty years and countless trips between the US and Spain these two remained muy, muy, buenas amigas. La Hermana. Ana Gutiérrez.
Jesse Dufault - Groomsman
Jesse is another brother to Jeff. They grew up on the same street just steps away from each other. Jesse was always the man with the camera to capture Jeff acting like animals or other dumb characters. Jesse is most likely the reason that Jeff got into the industry he works in today. Thanks a lot Jesse... Brother from Another Mother. Jesse Dufault.
Michele Kosteva - Bridesmaid
Michele and Kate have been friends since high school. She rounded out the famous friend group "The Fab Five". She definitely will have traveled the furthest to be at this wedding. Miss Worldwide. Michele Kosteva.
Evan Boyle - Groomsman
Another Blackstone boy. Jeff and Evan have been friends since meeting in middle school. Well Jeff was still in middle school. Evan was a in high school and had a real job and everything. He did have blue spikey hair though... Jeff and Evan also had several years together out in the Bay Area; hunting. fishing, and crushing beers. The man is a certified genius. The Outdoor Computer Nerd. Evan Boyle.
Scott Shugrue - Groomsman
Scott is colorblind. Jeff met Scott back at UMASS when Scott was living in the house attached to the barn that Jeff lived in. This legendary cesspool that they called a home became known as "Pig House". Yeah the boys had a lot of good times in that dump. So Jeff and Scott stayed very close and continue to have good times to this day. The boy can throw any ball a country mile. You can't beat him. The Arm. Scott Shugrue.